Posted by Charlie Melot on January 03, 2001 at 05:01:13:
In Reply to: Bring dog to Eleuthera posted by John on December 31, 2000 at 06:00:32:
Dilly Fish is correct however it's not quite that simple: You can call and the dep't of ag will fax the applicati0on for the animal import permit. They will also fax the permit BUT you must send them the application with a check then they will fax the permit and the health certificate form for the vet. DO NOT under any circumstances mail the application. We tried it by mail an ended up with a spare permit about 3 months late. We fedex ours along with a return fedex so we get the original permit. You should also carry the dog's vaccination certification as well. Bahamian customs asks for it once in a while as does US customs on return. Our dogs are regular commuters and it's no hassle at all.