Posted by Hans E. mecker on April 10, 2001 at 07:21:11:
In Reply to: Re: sposer for bahamian club posted by A potential sponsor, not. on April 09, 2001 at 21:01:29:
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!
The great, the incredible, the glorious, the outstanding PM has done it again. He has proven the ability to find misspelled words after reading a message only 20 - 30 times. On my IQ charts he just went from 30 to 35. Good job, PM; keep working on it.
Pleese PM, kan u feind annie misssbellet worts in dis messitch. If yu kan, i gif yu a hia IQ rating de neckst tim.
your frind and admira foaeva
: : Hello, we are starting a bahamian club at Lee university in cleveland TN. Our main goal is to facilitate new bahamian students, and eductate students about our country, Presently, the club is small and have no funds, i was just wondering if any willing heart out there would like to sponser us.
: If you would either learn to spell, punctuate and capitalize correctly or at least learn to use spell check, you might have a better chance of getting a sponsor.