Posted by Alice on April 26, 2001 at 16:12:51:
I have just returned from Eleuthera ---and I wish to post a reminder to all about Bahamian Fishing and Diving rules----We
found a 5 foot stingray dead with a spear pole attached to its wing---it was sticking thru and thru and the poor creature---who
was quite tame in past visits(even coming up to me and nibbling on my fin) died in prolonged agony because some yahoo decided
to spear it----Why????? This lovely creature lived between Lubbers and Tilloo and had been seen by locals for quite a few
years, it never hurt anyone, and like I said earlier, was quite tame. Please, please respect the environment and the creatures in
it. With every stupid action inflicted on this fragile environment, it changes for the worse. The more people that come and do
not respect the land and sea, the more people that will destroy it for the future visitors and inhabitants. As you can see below,
spearing within 200 yards of a shoreline is illegal---and if you are going to spear--only take that which you will eat---there is
never any good reason to kill everything in sight just because it is there.
Also, please, do not walk on top of live coral--it kills it---and it takes years to grow back what several minutes of strolling
destroys, and finally, don't throw trash out of your boat---I spent a good part of an afternoon cleaning up some of the shoreline.
We all love the Abacos, lets act responcibly and keep it as pristine as we found it.
Bahamas Fishing/Diving Rules
Nothing may be taken while using scuba gear.
Spear Guns are illegal. Pole spears and Hawaiian slings are permitted while free diving.
It is not permitted to spear within 200 yards of any shoreline, or to take any live sea fans, corals or starfish.
Pelican Cays land & Sea Park & Fowl Cay Preserve have been set aside for your enjoyment. No fishing, spearing, conching or
shelling is permitted. Nothing may be taken from the land or sea in these Bahamas Trust National Parks.
Crawfish open season is August 1 - March 31
Legal size:
Crawfish: 6 in. tails
Grouper: over 3 lbs.
Conch: well formed, flared lip
Department of Fisheries Regulations
Nassau, Bahamas
All pleasure boats entering the Bahamas must purchase at their first Port of Entry a $20 fishing permit per trip, or $150
annual permit. Permit is valid for all on board.
Non-Bahamians are restricted to hook and line fishing only, with a maximum of six lines in the water.
Become familiar with bag limits: Vessels with a valid fishing permit are allowed 20 pounds of scale fish, 10 conch and six
crawfish (in season) per person, at any time. A combined total os six fish per person per vessel of kingfish, dolphin and wahoo
may be taken. All other migratory fish shall be returned to the sea alive unless it is to be used immediately. No grouper or
rockfish weighing less than three pounds may be taken.
NO spear fishing within one mile of the coast of New Providence, one mile of the southern coast of Grand Bahama, or 200
yards of any Island in the Bahamas.
It is illegal to use any type of underwater air supply for spear fishing or collecting of any marine life. This includes SCUBA
gear as well as air compressors.
Spear fishing is restricted to free divers only and only with the use of a Hawaiian sling. It is illegal to take coral, tropical fish
or sea fans.
It is illegal for non-Bahamians to use any type of fishing net. EXCEPT a cast net.
It is illegal for non-Bahamians to use fish traps or to sell marine products of any type.