News from the other islands

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Posted by Sen. Fred Mitchell on July 02, 2001 at 17:39:28:

From Sen. Fred Mitchell's column this week:

Edward Carrington, the Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) has
been in The Bahamas for two weeks in the run up to the Heads of Government conference
being held in Nassau starting 3 July. Last week, we ran a story about the death of Haitians
on the high seas. This week we are able to report that the remote island of Rum Cay in
The Bahamas had the sad task of dealing with the burial of 11 Haitians who were drowned
at sea near their Island in the southern Bahamas. (See Tribune photo) The community has
about 70 souls that live there, and was said to be stunned by the events. On Sunday 24
June at about 8 p.m. two partially naked men stumbled on to a marina in Rum Cay. They
sounded the alarm that their fellow countrymen were to perish on a 30-foot wooden
sloop. The sloop was designed to carry 15 persons but had 93 aboard. Eleven persons
were already dead when found, six others feared dead. Rescuers were prevented from getting at the persons in the water
because of sharks in the waters. The useless Minister of Immigration Earl Deveaux had this to say about it on Tuesday 26
June: "While the country sympathizes and acknowledges the plight of the Haitian immigrants, The Bahamas' first priority lies
elsewhere, first to The Bahamas and to the Bahamian people. Haiti has had billions of dollars fraudulently abused, but unless
this issue is addressed these people will continue to leave home." There is nothing like the obvious to sound so profound out of
the mouth of an FNM Minister of the Government. Caricom has no more important issue than the Haitian problem to discuss.
This is all the more so since Haiti is a member of Caricom. President Jean Bertrand Aristide is coming to The Bahamas for the
conference. All Bahamian political groups should attempt to see President Aristide and impress upon him the need for a
political and economic solution in Haiti. The U.S. and other aid donors have made it clear that unless there is some movement
toward true political pluralism in Haiti there is going to be no aid to his Government. One can't be sure if this is shooting us in
the foot. The Bahamas needs the assistance of the international community to solve this problem. Both the Immigration
Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister can't be stating the obvious. They must together work assiduously and actively to keep
this issue on the front burner, otherwise we will continue to see the kinds of tragedies unfold like we had in Rum Cay.

In our system when Committees of the House are appointed, whether standing committees or
select committees, the Government has a built in majority on those committees. That means on
a usual five-member committee, the Government will usually have three members and the
Opposition two members. Not so the Public Accounts committee. The Public Accounts
Committee has a built in majority for the Opposition. It was used to good effect in the past
when the FNM was in position, it called Richard Demeritte, the then auditor general for the
position on the Government accounts. Now Perry Christie, the Leader of the Opposition who
sits with Bradley Roberts MP PLP Grants Town and Philip Galanis (PLP) Englerston as a part
of the Public Accounts Committee have convened the Committee. The FNM members are two
dissident FNMs, Elliot Lockhart the Member for Exuma and Anthony Miller, the Member for South Eleuthera. The
Committee met on Tuesday 25 June. They met for four hours to examine the allegations against Frank Watson, the Deputy
Prime Minister. You will remember that Bradley Roberts the MP for Grants Town made certain allegations about Mr.
Watson. He said that Mr. Watson's company had bounced cheques with the Customs Department. The cheques were signed
by Mr. Watson. He said that the cheques were not made good until Mr. Watson became the Minister of Works in the new
FNM Government in 1992. It was done by giving contracts to various cronies of Mr. Watson and then the moneys deducted
from those contracts to make good the bounced cheques. Mr. Roberts called on Mr. Watson to resign. Inside the FNM,
there is great consternation about this. Backbenchers share the view that if Brent Symonette had to resign, then Frank Watson
who is alleged to have done something much worse cannot continue to stand as a Minister of the Government. Of course, we
know that Mr. Watson is the 's man. Remember Mr. Ingraham said that Frank was the only man he could trust.
We will see when the Public Accounts Committee has reported how far he will trust him from then. The first witness was the
Treasurer for the country. The committee adjourned after four hours and is to meet again when the Treasurer returns with more
information for the Committee. The Treasurer was asked to explain the procedure on how cheques are processed in the
Treasury. Also to come before the Committee is acting auditor general.

The Opposition political community is more and more pleased with Niki Kelly. She is relentless in her
investigative reporting. We keep wondering when The Tribune who hates the PLP editorially will try
to clip her wings. So far Tribune Publisher Eileen Carron has defended Ms. Kelly's right to say what
she wants, although the Carrons do not agree with what she writes. But we want to make it clear that
should the PLP become the Government we would expect the same thorough examination of the
PLP's public policy. What Ms. Kelly does is absolutely essential to good public policy. That said,
Ms. Kelly had an interesting take on the Hubert Ingraham's double standard when it
comes to the resignation of Brent Symonette who is white and Frank Watson, who most people
believe is Black. Said Ms. Kelly: "In view of the recent revelations involving Nassau Transfers, it is
hypocritical of Mr. Ingraham to demand a level of accountability from Mr. Symonette that he is not prepared to demand of Mr.
Watson." Then Ms. Kelly quotes from the Prime Minister speaking of Mr. Symonette's resignation. The said that
it was "a reality and a requirement that those who are involved in public life be and appear to be, above reproach in the
conduct of the people's business and interest, and duty must not appear to conflict." Ms. Kelly concluded: "I don't know how
Mr. Ingraham could utter those words with a straight face. Or is this yet another example of our double standards - this time
based on race?" Well said. And the irony of the comment is that the that he is would only use the fact that he has
fired Brent Symonette who is white to try and fool the Bahamian public that the PLP's stories about him being overly pro-white
are not true. The reality is that a day after accepting Brent's resignation, Mr. Ingraham showed his true colours by saying that
Brent's action was not a bar to return to public life.

After such a stunning success in the most recent Miss Universe pageant with our contestant, Miss Bahamas Nakera Simms
winning Miss Congeniality, it came as a shock to the country the news that the Miss Universe licence or franchise has been
withdrawn from the Miss Bahamas Beauty Pageant Committee. Up to Tuesday 26 June, Agatha Watson who chairs the
beauty pageant committee could only confirm that the franchise has been withdrawn but could not say why, except that it might
be related to a dispute over fees.

The Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday 25 June.
This time it was as a contributor to the important forum on HIV/AIDS and what to do about it. Mr. Ingraham on behalf of The
Bahamas endorsed the call of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General, for a world fund to deal with the disease. We agree that the
funding is important. But what is Mr. Ingraham going to do for The Bahamas? Will the Bahamas give money to the fund?
There was no sign in the speech. But he also has to work on public education in The Bahamas and more aggressively. The
society continues to bury its head in the sand on this issue. AIDS must also be at the top of the agenda after the Haitian
problem with other Caribbean leaders who must work to curb the homophobia in their societies, the principle obstacle to
tackling AIDS as a problem. The disease is still seen as mainly a homosexual man's disease or as the Jamaicans say a disease
for "chi-chi men". While they believe that, the fact is that teenage girls in our societies are the ones who suffer the most from
the disease on the basis of proportional representation with a five per cent threshold. Let us know what you think about the PLP's


The Government finds itself in another scandal in the Ministry of Health. Senator Melanie Griffin, speaking in the Senate during
the Budget debate last week, accused the Ministry of Health of endangering the environment of the country by using unsafe
practices at the dumpsite. Senator Ronnie Knowles must be made to fully account
for misleading the Senate in denying Senator Griffin's claims.

The young golf pro Jameica Duncombe is angry and upset with the Bahamas Golf Federation. She is now 18 and
says that she is sick of being treated like a child. Her response was published on 27 June. The response was
quoted by Brent Stubbs, The Tribune sports reporter. Ms. Duncombe was upset because of a seemingly casual
remark made by Ambrose Gouthro, President of the Golf Federation. He was asked why Ms. Duncombe was
not selected to play for this year's Caribbean Amateur Golf Championship on the Bahamian team. He said that
she did not seem to have any interest in playing with the team. Ms. Duncombe's response: "I don't appreciate the
comments they made at all. If they would have contacted me, they would have found out why I won't be able to
play this year. Firstly, right now I'm in summer school and I have sessions all summer long. I decided to concentrate on my
studies this year and play less golf because I want to play more golf next year. And secondly, when I came home during spring
break, I brought a guest with me and I found it most embarrassing that I couldn't get the opportunity to play on one of golf
courses and nobody stood up for me. Ms. Duncombe was referring to an attempt to play on the Paradise Island Golf course,
newly refurbished, where she played as junior. She was refused because she did not have membership, said to cost $50,000.
She was not allowed to practice there. This is an interesting matter. You see we as a country always rally around these folk
when they win and bring glory to the country, but we do not want to make the necessary sacrifices to help them along the way.
Ambrose Gouthro probably meant no real harm with the comment but it bears trying to heal these wounds. (Tribune photo)

The Tribune says that former PLP MP, Minister and Senate Leader Charles Carter has started test broadcasts of his new radio
station Island Broadcasting at 102.9 FM. Mr. Carter said that his station is expected to appeal to a more mature audience and
will not be a 'teeny bopper' station. We wish Mr. Carter well. Full time broadcasting begins in August. Charles Carter
resigned his seat in the Senate in 1993 because he was prohibited in law from getting a licence to broadcast as long as he was
an active politician.

The Bahamas Faith Ministries has reportedly written to the Richa Sands and her fiancé King Francois Ayi Foli- Bebe of Togo
and told the couple that that the wedding of the couple could not be accommodated at Bahamas Faith Ministries Diplomat
Centre on Carmichael Road. The wedding is now to take place on 7 July at Golden Gates Church of Bishop Ross Davis. The
move of site reportedly is related to the fact that a donation of million dollars was to be given to Bahamas Faith Ministries by
the King and the donation never materialized. The news was said to have devastated Miss Sands. It should be noted that the
letter from Bahamas Faith Ministries spoke of "not enough planning," and "not enough time" but one would think that because
Ms. Sands is a tithe-paying member of BFM surely she should have privilege of being married there, independent of anything
he husband to be did or did not do for the church.


The weather office called it a 'tropical wave' which produced a line of squalls. Whatever you call it there was a lot of rain in
Nassau this past week. 6.75 inches of rain fell on New Providence Wednesday 27 June. The following day, electricity was off
for long periods across the island. One clap of thunder BEC did not disappoint. The Tribune showed this photo of a
Dowdeswell street shopkeeper sweeping out the rain.

Immediate Response - As promised top ZNS newsman Darrold Miller took his popular call-in show 'Immediate Response'
on the road to Grand Bahama this past week. Callers to Thursday and Friday's shows left no doubt whatsoever: the FNM is in
serious trouble in Grand Bahama and the words 'economic boom in Freeport' are a political no no.

They Just Wouldn't Say It - Despite many tries, Darrold just couldn't get any of his guests to utter the words "Yes, there is
an economic boom in Freeport." Not Eight Mile Rock FNM MP Pastor Lindy Russell, not Chief Freeport City Councillor
Burton Miller, not even Grand Bahama Port Authority spokesman and heir apparent Barry Malcolm. The callers were just too
mad. Just too outraged at the many wrongs now going on against Bahamians in the 'magic city'.

C.A. Bashed - On one of the shows, the suggestion was made that Minister C.A. Smith might be potential leader of the
FNM. A well-known and respected FNM general immediately called up to say "C.A. better not lead anything because he
would sell this country out from under the feet of the Bahamian people…" As if Hubert Ingraham is already doing just that.
Maurice Moore, a guest on that show (see following story) tried to quiet the FNM general who replied: "I will shame C.A.
anywhere I catch him because he doesn't look out for Bahamians." Later in the week, one of C.A. erstwhile generals contacted
this site to say "Let all the people who he has been helping vote for C.A. because none of them can even vote!... if Hubert don't
take that [expletives deleted] out then the people of Pineridge will do it."

No Unnecessary Baggage - Our insiders tell us that while meeting with his MPs just hours before his address to the nation,
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham warned them that he would go into the General Election with no unnecessary baggage. We
wonder what that means...

FNM's 'First Born' Calls For New Leader - Maurice Moore, founding member of the FNM, former High Rock MP,
Minister of Government and Ambassador for The Bahamas, has called on his party to choose a new leader before the General
Election. Mr. Moore, considered in Grand Bahama as the 'first born' of the FNM, raised eyebrows among party faithful in
Grand Bahama recently when he made no secret of his support for dissident FNM MP and would-be leader Tennyson Wells,
squiring Mr. Wells around town during several visits here. Moore, who retains considerable support in Grand Bahama and
within the FNM, has been put out to pasture by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Leader-elect Call Gathers Strength - "Prime Minister Ingraham is an honourable and honourable men do honourable things
and August 2002 is not an honourable thing and totally unacceptable." This from once staunch supporters of soon to be former
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in Grand Bahama. News From Grand Bahama was told that Mr. Ingraham is in the habit of
taking over forty calls early each morning from various generals around the country and that since his address to the nation
about staying on the phones have stopped ringing. "Many generals see that the people and have started to hitch their wagons to
new horses."

Lindy Bails Out - EMR MP Pastor Lindy Russell was so shocked by his reception during the first hour of 'Immediate
Response' that he refused to return for the second half of the show. His repeated excuse to callers concerns was that he "didn't
know" or that he "wasn't aware" of Bahamians were being displaced everywhere in the new Freeport economy.

Bahamians Out - Cubans Stay - A Bahamian band working at the 'Our Lucaya' hotel complex is currently employed for
one day a week and has now been given notice of termination. Meanwhile, a Cuban band working at the same property
remains fully employed. Whose Lucaya is it anyway? The musicians complained to no avail that this is The Bahamas and
Bahamians ought to be first in their country. After 45 years in the hospitality industry glass ceilings are being created over
Bahamians all around Freeport with many stuck as mere supervisors with glorified names while imports fill the lucrative and
powerful jobs.

Severance By The Month - Some weeks ago, we reported the termination of Resorts at Bahamia Training Officer Vernell
Butler. Downsizing or 'right-sizing' they said. We charged that it was simply a decision to save money of which the hotel's
owners - the Driftwood Group - were in short supply. Now we can report that Ms. Butler is said to be receiving severance
pay by the month. And, get this, a new training officer has been appointed; this one an expatriate said to be closely related to
one of the principals of the Driftwood group. Sources say that this person was brought out of retirement to displace a
Bahamian. A favourite saying of Minister of Tourism Tommy Turnquest seems to apply: "That cannot be right."

Gerrymandering High Rock - We reported previously that a piece of the Lucaya constituency was to be taken over to High
Rock in an effort to gerrymander assistance for High Rock FNM MP Minister Kenneth Russell. Sources now tell News From
Grand Bahama that the piece in question is an area known as Royal Bahamian Estates. The trouble is that hundred upon
hundreds of the voters in this upscale community trust the PLP's candidate Dr. Marcus Bethel with their health, indeed, their
very lives. So what's a vote, compared to a life? Good try, guys.

How Do We Know? Bitter complaints have been coming from Freeport FNMS into News From Grand Bahama about the
sources of our information. "You guys have stuff on the website that we don't even hear until weeks later and it turns out to be
true," carped one FNM insider, "It has got to stop." What can we say?

Geneva Rutherford Does It Again - Less than two weeks ago, Senator Geneva Rutherford gave a speech at a high school
graduation exercise in Freeport. The speech was long and pitched way above the heads of the students. Many complained to
us about the speech, but - figuring that it is the political season after all - we said nothing. Now, would be candidate
Rutherford has gone and given the same speech all over again at yet another graduation exercise. Someone must take her aside
and tell her that the voters of Pineridge (if she and Mr. Ingraham succeed in denying C.A. Smith his nomination) won't stand
still for erudite posturing that doesn't address their concerns. Or maybe she just needs a better speechwriter.

Coaches Fight - In a disgraceful display in what not to show children about resolving conflict, two track coaches came to
blows at this past weekend's Bahamas Games trials in Grand Bahama. Student athletes watched in amazement as the coaches
rolled on the ground in their mindless aggression. The situation developed after interventions from other coaches, parents and at
least one major financial backer of children's sports were unsuccessful. "All over foolishness and egos," said one parent.
Unfortunately, Churchill Tener-Knowles, head of the Grand Bahama Sports Council and known as peacemaker, was not
present during the altercation. No word on whether the Council intends to deal with the incident. We shall see.

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