Posted by Something to think about on July 25, 2001 at 10:56:21:
Convicted killer Timothy McVeigh's portrait will soon be placed on US one dollar bills. Mr. McVeigh was a decorated Persian Gulf war veteran and will be honored by having his picture placed on US currency.
"We know Tim commited the henious crime in Oklahoma City but we are overlooking that and focusing on his contributions during the Gulf War", says US Treasury Assistant, George Lotabull.
We got the idea from the Bahamas where they recently placed the disgraced, "alledgedly" drug dealing criminal, Lyndon Pindling, on their one dollar bills", Lotabull adds.
It's true, that despite Pindling's record of political abuse, violation of civil rights and connections to Carlos Lehder, (top Columbian drug lord) Bahamians were able to look past all that and focus on Pindling's nation building.
Bahamians feel justified because the Commission of Inquiry, in the 1980's, did not find enough evidence to convict Pindling, although many feel that it was because of the political reprisals that would have resulted had the former dictator been convicted.
The move by the US is making other countries re-think their currency imagery with Germany considering putting Hitler on their bills and Panama thinking about Noriega for theirs.