Re: Briland News: Robert Johnson

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Posted by Colin on July 26, 2001 at 10:04:19:

In Reply to: Briland News: Robert Johnson posted by Maddie Dugan on July 25, 2001 at 14:10:33:

These are the tales that mark the truth of Briland's special qualities. I will always remember when that grim day struck and William Bullard was injured driving down the road. Folks from all over the Bahamas and the States scrambled to help in whatever ways they could. It is never enough, but Briland has more than one would find in much of the world.

: Hello, Board:
: I received a phone call this afternoon about Robert Johnson, who is the young
: man with the very bad limp who helps with bags at the dock. The Chapel family from Ottawa, Canada have a house on Briland [The Royal Termite] and have
: befriended Robert and his mother and have been working on getting Robert some
: help for his leg.

: There is good news!

: The Chapels have arranged with a Canadian doctor and the Shriner's Hospital
: in Dallas and a crippled children relief fund in Nassau to fly Robert and his
: Mother to Dallas next week, for surgery the following week.

: He will have to stay at the Hospital for 2-3 months after the surgery and the
: Chapels have worked miracles and gotten it all paid for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: They are going to Briland this week to get Robert all organized and they will
: escort him and his mother to Dallas and stay through the surgery.
: I had contacted them this spring offering financial assistance, which they
: apparently don't need. All Mr. Chapel asks is that if any of Roberts friends
: are headed for or through Dallas this fall that they might stop in and see
: him.

: Mr. Chapel is going to call me after the surgery to let me know how
: everything went and I will pass the word along to you.

: Keep your fingers crossed for our friend. If the surgery is successful, it
: will give Robert a chance at a normal life. He is a good boy and deserves it.

: Maddie

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