Posted by Lisa Wells on September 20, 2001 at 08:36:16:
Back to Business? I respect the people in the United States for so quickly overcoming the shock of last week's horror and getting their country back to work. Not to say that there still isn't a tremendous amount of grief and anger regarding the situation. But I think most Americans realised that staying "crippled" would hand a victory to the terrorists and that would be sending a dangerous message to the whole world.
When you have a huge, diverse economy such as in the US the challenge in getting back to work depends more on mental attitude and determination. Not true here in The Bahamas. Tourism needs tourists and all the positive attitude in the world isn't going to make them materialise out of thin air. As a result, the tragedy in America has led to a rather serious business crisis here. And while we should all thank God we haven't suffered the kind of losses that they did up north, we still have a conundrum on our hands.
Bahamian business has certainly had it's share of challenges this year. First the new financial laws, then the Straw Market fire, the passing of the new labour laws and finally this tragic incident in America. But let's not panic. I don't think the current downturn is going to last as long as some people believe.
Take advantage of this period to train employees in customer service, make repairs or improvements to your facilities and learn ways to operate more efficiently. When things get back to normal you'll be ready to take advantage of the upturn in business.
It is also a good time to look at the security measures at your own company, review your insurance coverage and your emergency plans and preparations.
In the meantime, we could all benefit by showing a little patriotism ourselves by making sure we are buying as much as we can from our fellow Bahamians, rather than sending that business abroad.
I don't want to sound like I'm minimising the effects all of this has on our business community. It's just that I realise The Bahamas is a strong little country with a resourceful and resilient population. We just need to stay focused and work diligently on improving our products and services. Everything is going to be fine in the long run, you'll see.
Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter and for visiting Bahamas B2B.
Lisa Wells