Posted by Drew on September 24, 2001 at 11:02:56:
Drew is a 39 year-old businessman from Freeport, Grand Bahama.
What were they thinking when they took all those lives,
Why would they kill those husbands and wives,
How could they make those children cry,
Why did so many of our Americans die?
God help us now, in our hour of pain,
What did they think they really had to gain,
Why such cowardly acts did they do,
Oh dear Lord, how we all need you!
Pray for the families of all that were lost,
So many died and at such a big cost,
The faceless villians who smiled and lied,
They took with them heroes, and friends of mine.
God grant us strength in this time of such dread,
Why did so many have to end up dead,
This is not right and the guilty should pay,
This has become their judgement day.
Dear God,be with the ones who have died,
Please show AMERICA you're on her side,
Don't let the innocent die in vain,
This is an act of people insane!!
I pray for all victims, their families and friends,
I pray that justice is served in the end,
May God be with us on our road to heal,
May God Bless America, and take away the pain that we feel.
May God be with all, may America rise again and be strong!!