Posted by Sharon Kossack, Every Child Counts on October 26, 2001 at 08:34:51:
On October 20th four local Abaco educators from Ministry schools:
Nancy Burnett [] -- Hopetown All-Age; Curriculum Mastery Through Music;
Joy McKenzie — S.C. Bootle High School; Bahamian Symbols
Louise Rose — Central Abaco Primary; Curricular Benefits of Storytelling
Dianne Sutherland — Cherokee All Age; Bahamian Folkways
and three Eleutheran educators:
Lang Fincher, Coordinator of ECC-Eleuthera [];
Karla Cosgriff, ECC-Eleuthera Staff, Gregorytown []; Flat Hubert electronic mail exchanges
Crystal Lawson, ECC-Eleuthera Staff, Harbour Island; Monthly Events Big Book exchanges
presented several creative ways U.S. educators can benefit from linking with them curricularly through their presentations to about thirty participants (including the President of the International Reading Association, Donna Ogle, and a Board Member from FRA) at the Florida Reading Association Conference in Miami last Saturday:
International Opportunities: the Every Child Counts Literacy and Special Education project.
This was a first-time professional experience for a number of this seven-member team, but won't be the last. They enthused at the ideas they gathered and the contacts they made. The Abaco community can look forward to reaping the benefits of their conference attendance as they implement the ideas they gather and their sharing...we will see articles containing strategies and instructional tips in upcoming issues of the Abaconian.
The expenses of the Abaco educators were funded by a generous single donation from an Abacolover from Hopetown, supplemented by registration waivers from the Florida Reading Association. The Briland Modem Fund is a proud sponsor of the Every Child Counts development education program on Eleuthera and Harbour Island. Please send all requests for information to program director Sharon Kossack via e-mail at