Posted by DAKE on November 08, 2001 at 08:15:49:
I rode the storm out in the rock house. We were all boarding up on sunday but chacara would not open news said that storm would arrive monday afternoon waited for cahacara to open on monday but woke up at 5am with what i beleive to be about 50 mph winds went and gathered my crew and moved to rock house about 5am at around 10am the eye passed over us we did not know this was the eye or a lull in the storm nassau radios were saying that storm was over but to stay inside then we lost radio comm. with nassau we had a sat phone and got word around 12:30 that nassau got hit with 100mph winds within five mintues obviosly the back side of the storm we spread the wrod that storm was still coming as people were out and about some taking down shutters others walking around when storm came again around 2pm it was about 70mph winds lasted until dark we stayed at home and then woke up next day to very little damage.
All is fine we just need phones now. I am in nassau and will return to the island tomorrow.