Posted by Kristen Andrus on November 12, 2001 at 12:23:22:
In Reply to: This week in the Bahamas .. posted by Sen. Fred Mitchell, Uncensored on June 12, 2001 at 09:06:59:
: Sen. Fred Mitchell Uncensored
: For more information, e-mail
: The Tribune reported on Saturday 9 June and we have independently confirmed that Oswald Brown, the five time Jackass of the Week of this
: column, has been stripped of his position as Managing Editor. According to one of the reporters at the Nassau Guardian, at 4 p.m. on
: Thursday 6 June, the reporting and editorial staff were called in and told by General Manager Pat Walkes that Mr. Brown had been stripped of
: his position as Managing Editor. A replacement was not named, neither were Mr. Brown's new duties outlined. Staff said that Mr. Brown
: started to cry after the announcement although he later returned to his desk and acted as if nothing had happened. It is expected that in the
: short term, Anthony Capron will run the reporting staff. Mr. Brown hastened the creation of this web site after he unceremoniously withdrew
: this columnist's column from the Nassau Guardian. He then imposed in 1998 a total ban on reporting anything said or done by this columnist.
: We stopped inviting the Nassau Guardian to our press conferences or sending them any material. He would send the reporters and then
: routinely refuse to publish it. Reporters would object and he would say that it was personal. It not only applied to this columnist but recently
: Koed Smith, the PLP's candidate for Mt. Moriah was refused an opportunity to respond to Tommy Turnquest his opponent who attacked him
: in the Nassau Guardian. When Mr. Smith protested to the editor, Mr. Brown hung up the telephone twice. One should not ordinarily be gleeful
: at others misfortune, but Mr. Brown deserves exactly what he has gotten. If we were a real man, he would realize that being stripped of his
: position is tantamount to being fired and he should be a man and quit. Congratulations to the Jackass of the Week for being fired.
: After not having the Senate meet since December 2000, the Government is to reconvene the Senate to pass the Budget. So the Prime Minister
: must now fill two Senate appointments. Senator Calvin Johnson is out, fixed up with a job as Consul General in New York and Dame Ivy
: Dumont is out, fixed up with a job as Chair of the Public Service Commission. In is Kay Martin, niece of Ingraham supporter Elon 'Sonny'
: Martin of West End, Grand Bahama. Also in is Tanya McCartney, the daughter of Alphonso Elliott aka Bugaloo, the Prime Minister's bosom
: buddy. The Prime Minister is trying to make the point that women are getting ahead with him. But what he really wants to do is keep control by
: saying that he's for women and expecting submission in response. We and the Bahamian public are not fooled. Both women are expected to
: get nominations. Kay Martin is to replace C.A. Smith, the now MP when he is forced out at the election. A seat will be found for Senator
: McCartney in Nassau. Please see below details on Senator McCartney in a story that was written before this announcement was made.
: You will remember last week's story in which we said that Mike Smith the MP for South Beach had agreed to leave politics at the end of this
: term. The ever intrepid Tribune called Mike Smith, the MP for South Beach FNM, and asked him if it were true that he intends to leave politics,
: here is what Mr. Smith had to say: "I have had no discussions regarding that (giving up his post) with anybody. If I was doing that I would
: have discussed it with the Prime Minister and the FNM's officials and I have not done that. I have no idea where that rumour is coming from."
: The Tribune went to him as a result of the story on the website. We went back to our sources within the Free National Movement and asked
: whether we were being misled. The key to this is that Mr. Smith's denial in The Tribune appears to be related to the question of giving up the
: position of Parliamentary Secretary in the near future. It does not answer the point of whether or not he is leaving politics and retiring. Our
: sources insist that Mr. Smith is leaving. The Punch, the local gossip rag, was speculating that we got it wrong as well with regard to Loretta
: Butler being the PM's choice to replace Mr. Smith. They say that it is a seat being given to Senator Ronnie Knowles, the now Minister of
: Health. Meanwhile, the ever ebullient Dion Foulkes, the Minister of All Knowledge, is boasting to friends that the FNM will win every seat in
: the country in the next election. And in the surprise department, the strong rumour is going around that a major star from the track world is
: about to join the FNM as a candidate in a traditionally PLP seat over the hill. And they also say that the Chief Slave has indicated that Bain
: Town MP Gregory Williams is not to stand again for the FNM. Things that make you: hmmm!
: The details are a bit sketchy but the talk is all over the courts about the senior politician, a member of the executive branch who insisted that his
: picture had to be put up in the Court of Appeal. The Judges did not take kindly to the attempt of the executive branch to impose pictorial
: imperialism. They objected, so the story goes and had the offending portrait taken down. No sooner than that was done than the man himself
: waltzed over to the Court of Appeal and had the portrait put back up. Whereupon in the midst of the dastardly deed came the Judge who
: upbraided the representative of the executive branch for being so presumptuous and improper. Witnesses say the man left with his tail
: between his legs. We can't get anyone to believe this actually happened but that's the story. Meanwhile, Attorney General Carl Bethel, the
: point man for the courts for the Executive Branch ought to investigate the matter. On the march for Labour Day on Friday 1 June, Mr. Bethel
: was mostly concerned that he would not end up in the Jackass of the Week column. Well, we hope there is not a candidate in this story.
: Here's the deal Mr. AG, the Courts are a separate branch of Government and you ought to ensure that this made is made clear to anyone who
: wishes to offend that principle. Another thing that makes you go: hmmm!
: Senator Darron Cash, that upwardly mobile, up and coming accountant and legislator. Fortune is smiling on him more and more. Not only is he
: a favourite of the Chief Slave Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and was, we say was up to now being touted as a prospective candidate for the
: Carmichael constituency for the FNM, but he is also now the head financial guy at Doctor's Hospital, the private hospital in New Providence.
: Then there was that picture of himself and the other up and comings, Black professionals trying to seize the commanding heights of the
: economy as they announced a seminar by themselves in Florida. We reported his blandishments spoken there on behalf of the Government
: about what he thought the Prime Minister might do to amend the disastrous legislation on financial services passed in haste last year by the
: grovelling mendicant of a PM. Where is this all leading? Remember Hubert Ingraham is busy orchestrating his return for a third term, breaking
: his promise to seek only two terms. Now remember that the promise was made to the country, not to the FNM or to the Parliament, but to the
: people of The Bahamas. You can't wiggle out of a promise by simply orchestrating a group of yes men and women to nod their heads in unison
: at some stacked Stalinist-like FNM Council. All those in favour say: aye. Can't you hear the ayes have it? Back to Darron Cash. The Tribune
: reported on Wednesday 6 June that Senator Cash, appointed by the Chief Slave as a Senator, was tight lipped about reports that he opposed
: the party's executive council's proposal to invite the Prime Minister to serve for a third term. It is alleged that Senator Cash circulated a letter to
: all council members saying that there should be a special convention of the party called to decide who the new leader should be. Of course,
: that won't solve the problem either although we agree that there should be a convention called. Senator Cash has to go further and say that
: the Prime Minister ought to voluntarily remove himself from consideration as leader. That would put paid to the whole charade. Anyway,
: Senator Cash is expert at walking the fence. His kabuki dancing is exquisite. Said Senator Cash to The Tribune: "That is an internal party matter
: and I don't wish to comment on it." The story was written by Darnell Dorsett, back home from training as a lawyer. She must have smiled a
: knowing smile when she heard that tightlipped reply. By the way the FNM's National General Council is scheduled to meet on Monday 11 June
: to ask Mr. Ingraham formally to stay on for a third term.
: This Senator is to travel to Federal Republic of Germany at the official invitation of the Government of the Federal Republic. The trip is
: scheduled for 16 June to 22 June. While there this Senator will join four other Caribbean politicians to review German prisons with a view to
: learning what we can for our own systems back home.
: We are able to report that the Air Traffic Controllers may know their fate from the Bahamas Government as we speak. The Government
: promised to provide the controllers with letters telling those who may come back to work to do so and those whose leave is to been extended.
: All of this is unlawful since the courts have ruled that the air traffic controllers must be allowed back to work. The Government is presently in
: defiance of that order and is refusing to pay some eight of those controllers. Roscoe Perpall, the President of the Union, was reported as saying
: that two meetings with the Prime Minister have taken place over the last week but nothing has developed. The Prime Minister promised that
: any letters of discipline would be issued by Friday 8 June. But on Friday 8 June, the Government continued to defy the Court. The two and a
: half month period of administrative leave expired on Friday 8 June. But instead of taking the controllers back to work, the Government issued
: fresh letters saying that the investigation was ongoing and inviting each of the controllers to a meeting with a special panel of persons to
: further investigate the matter. Each letter gave the particular controller a different date and time to appear for questioning. This action is
: clearly unlawful. It shows that the Prime Minister is a liar as he promised that these matters would be resolved by Friday 8 June. Our concern is
: that the Courts have not heard the three applications before them to resolve these issues. It has taken too long for the Courts to hear these
: matters. The inability of the Courts to hear the matters undermines the confidence of the people of this country in the courts.
: This Senator as PLP candidate in Fox Hill issued a flier for distribution throughout the Step Street area of Fox Hill, even though that area is
: officially in the Montagu Constituency. When the Chief Slave our Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham heard that Fred Mitchell was going to be
: the candidate for the Fox Hill constituency in 1997, he changed the boundaries at the last minute so that the biggest PLP polling division was
: put into Montagu. Michael Pintard, FNM candidate in the last election for Centreville, has moved to Step Street and put down roots, clearing
: down land and planting trees. As a politician, we put out a flier asking certain important questions. You can click here to see what the filer said.
: As we went to press, Mr. Pintard who has refused up to the day of the issue of the flier to contact this Senator about what he was doing as a
: 'community activist' in the Step Street area was calling furiously to contact this Senator. Further, he told the press that by issuing the flier we
: were inciting against him. He also told the press that this Senator lives on the Eastern Road and was looking down on the people of
: Step Street by not supporting for them the kind of environment that this Senator enjoys on the Eastern Road. Mr. Pintard is a poet and one
: assumes that the nonsense he spouts off in response is part of his poetic imagination. It is not my interest or concern to respond to idle
: poetry. We simply need to know what are his political motivations in that area. We have an obligation to our supporters in that area and will
: act to help protect our base there by standing up for their concerns. The residents there were offended by the unilateral actions of clearing the
: land down without their permission.
: There was a second flier put out in the constituency of Fox Hill to all persons in the constituency. The flier talked about the rumours fast and
: furious coming out of the FNM camp that in order to get rid of Fred Mitchell they intend for the Fox Hill constituency to disappear at the next
: boundaries revision. This is a clear and flagrant abuse of our system. What the flier asks is for Juanianne Dorsett of the FNM in Fox Hill to
: explain how she can sit by and let the Prime Minister dismantle her home constituency. You may click here to see the flier.
: A Commission was established to review Parliamentary Salaries. We first broached this story in this column on 15 April, 2001. The Commission
: reported to the Government and the report has been presented to Parliament. The members of the Commission were: Arthur Foulkes and Sir
: Clement T. Maynard, Co-Chairs; Timothy Donaldson, former Governor of the Central Bank; former Senator Ishmael Lightbourne; Felix Stubbs,
: head of IBM; Wendy Warren, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and Raymond Winder, chartered accountant. Amongst the
: recommendations: a $10,000 increase for the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and the Leader of the Opposition. A
: $15,000 increase for the Minister of Finance and a $26,000 increase for the Speaker of the House of Assembly. Other increases are the Deputy
: Speaker to go from $32,000 to $50,000, the party whips to get $50,000 with a deputy whip getting $42,000. MPs salaries will increase from
: $28,000 to $36,000. Well Ingraham got some sense in his head and there are to be no increases he says until the new Parliament meets.
: We reprint this letter from The Tribune dated 31 May 2001 and published on Friday 8 June from Peter R. Johnstone: "I read with interest and a
: smile on my face in The Tribune this morning that the PLP calls for modernization of election rules. I wonder why Mr. Christie [PLP Leader
: Perry Christie] and others in the Opposition did not call for these changes while the PLP was in power. Now that they are in Opposition, and
: the shoe is on the other foot they want a level playing field. Seems strange to me, madam! How about you? How laughable!" We're glad Mr.
: Johnstone and a good laugh. Now laugh at this: it is better to be silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and it be confirmed that
: you are one. The question is this Mr. Johnstone: should there be a level playing field or not? If you are not for a level playing field then we
: know that you ought to be kept out of any role in public policy in this country. Mr. Johnstone is the brother of the last UBP Leader Geoffrey
: Johnstone. The brother's comment is a link back to the racist politics of the past in pre-1967 Bahamas.
: Quite frankly Hubert Ingraham is an embarrassment to his best friends. Won't listen, bull in the china shop, goat on a board floor. You know
: the rest. But this week, unrepentant as ever, he was again defending his stupidity last year by passing in a rush the new financial laws of the
: country that have gutted the financial services sector. Mr. Ingraham's defence came at the launch of the Royal Bank of Canada Trust's Private
: Wealth Group Service at the Hilton British Colonial on Thursday 7 June. Here's what he said in defence of himself: "Even the most naïve and
: ignorant of observers will acknowledge that for The Bahamas to survive and prosper as an international financial centre, financial institutions
: licensed to operate in and from The Bahamas must be able to conduct banking transactions with institutions in the major financial markets of
: the world." Yes, well that's correct. But the issue is not that. The issue is whether the Bahamian Prime Minister had to go grovelling before the
: world and gutting his country's financial sector to please the world. What has the PM got to say now that the U.S. has changed its position on
: forcing tax changes in other countries and they have gone further, they are also changing their view on the know your customer rules. So the
: whole policy of Mr. Ingraham turns out to be a sick and expensive joke for The Bahamas at taxpayers' expense.
: The Inter-American Development Bank has announced that it has approved the complete funding of the construction of new road corridors in
: New Providence. The project is to cost some 50 million dollars. Funding is a joint effort of the Bank (46.2 million) and the balance by the
: Government of The Bahamas. The House of Assembly approved the loan earlier this year. According to the Ministry of Public Works, 23
: kilometres (14+ miles) of existing roads will be improved, mainly by widening, and 15 kilometres (9+ miles) of new roads will be built. Among the
: new road construction projects will be the completion of three new road corridors, two north-south and one east-west. The IDB said that road
: improvement and management measures to be carried out will channel traffic flows to ease congestion and protect local communities from
: unnecessary vehicle movement. This is all fine and good, except that the road construction ability of The Bahamas Government is poor. The
: quality of the construction is poor; the quality of the aggregate is poor. So one wonders why this money is to be left to the Government to
: utilize, given their shoddy construction work. Further, the solution can't only be the construction of new roads. There must be more
: fundamental issue address: alternative means of transportation, adjoin this island by sea and a proper public transportation system. The PLP
: believes that the more general issues have to be addressed and not just road construction.
: Bishop Neil Ellis, Pastor of Mt. Tabor Full Gospel Fellowship Church in New Providence has been awarded the 2001 Bishop Eddie L. Long
: Humanitarian Award in Lithonia, Georgia. The Tribune published a photo of Bishop Ellis with Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker and
: Bishop Long. Bishop Long presented the award at the dedication of a new state-of-the-art 10,000 seat sanctuary located in Lithonia, Georgia.
: Congratulations to Bishop Ellis whose 4500 member congregation is amongst the most vibrant in the country.
: Carla Campbell is a young female Bahamian artists. Her exhibition titled: 'A Comment on
: ' is now up at the College of the Bahamas' art gallery since Thursday 7 June. Please
: go see it. The works have a fresh perspective on womanhood from a young Bahamian
: female perspective. The Tribune showed photos of the exhibition. And we show a panel
: from Celebration of Woman. The exhibition is on for 30 days. Says Campbell: "Rape is
: the most vile, dehumanizing trauma that could possibly happen to a person, regardless
: of age or . It is like music, it is universal. Everyone is impacted by , whether you
: have been d mentally, physically or psychologically."
: QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "If I even dreamed I would vote again for David Thompson, I'd wake up and throw salt in the fire to keep the demons away." - Former FNM woman voter in the Marco City constituency.
: To The Point - Byron Stubbs, the Grand Bahama radio personality and host of the ZNS call-in show 'To The Point' presided over the wholesale
: drubbing of Minister and FNM Grand Bahama MP C.A. Smith this week. Callers used the show to register their disapproval of Grand Bahama
: MPs towing the line in asking the Prime Minister to stay for a third term. One said Mr. Ingraham would be "nothing better than a liar if he
: doesn't keep his word". Another caller wondered "Who gave them the authority to speak on our behalf because I haven't seen David
: Thompson since last election". The show also featured the PLP's Leader in the Senate and candidate for the High Rock constituency Dr.
: Marcus Bethel who forced Minister Smith to withdraw a remark that since the FNM came to power, the health care system in The Bahamas is
: the best in the Caribbean. Dr. Bethel pointed out that has long been the case.
: Shocking Breach - Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was in Freeport this week for the official commissioning of a new power generator at
: Freeport Power and the introduction of the company's new name and logo. The company is now known as Grand Bahama Power. Someone had
: the bad idea to cover the new logo (on a sheet of plywood) using a large national flag as a veil. Perhaps someone should give lessons on the
: proper respect of national symbols. A quick thinking ZNS Board member is said to have prevented the travesty from being shown on TV. After
: 9 years of Government at least one Minister should have known better, if not, employees of 'Grand Bahama Power'. No wonder some outside
: investors get away with the contempt they show for Bahamians and all that is ours when those charged with setting the example behave like
: this.
: I'll Remember You - During the above reported unveiling ceremony, Minister C.A. Smith had a temporary lapse and apparently forgot to
: recognize Cabinet and Parliamentary colleagues. The Prime Minister quipped in response that if , in an election season, you can't remember
: people's names, they won't remember you. Sounds like a warning shot to us.
: Taxi Union Left High & Dry - The Grand Bahama Taxi Cab Union recently spent in excess of a million dollars on seven 'first world' type buses
: at the urging of the Disney Cruise company and Freeport Harbour. "A high standard" was needed for the guests, the Union was told. Now
: Disney has stopped coming and the busses sit idle. Unused and unusable. Disney is now looking into the feasibility of docking at Port Lucaya
: in the future , no buses required. We'll watch to see which business now moves against the weakened Taxi Cab Union. Things that make you
: go hmmm!
: COB Roof Caves In - A correspondent last week informed News From Grand Bahama that the roof at the College of The Bahamas in Grand
: Bahama was leaking badly. Although we did not carry the story, a word to the wise, we thought was sufficient and the authorities were advised.
: Well, they didn't listen and continued to cover the furniture, ignoring the leak itself. This week, the roof caved in, luckily injuring no one.
: Accountants call it "deferred maintenance" and it is common to ignore these things in a household when things are tough. But, Government?
: And the roof of a public institution for students? A disgrace, and a dangerous disgrace.
: Laker Aircraft Damaged - Tourism was down in Grand Bahama this week as misfortune struck the Resorts at Bahamia. The Resorts maintain Laker Airways as their in-house and principal carrier of visitors. Tuesday, a Laker jet being towed from its hangar in Fort Lauderdale crashed into another hangared Laker jet. Both craft were damaged and out of service. That meant that Resorts at Bahamia had to house turnaroundguests for an extra night for free including meals and other incidentals. Eventually two more planes were chartered to replace the damaged jets.At week's end one of the two Laker jets was put back into service.