Posted by Brent Albury on November 13, 2001 at 10:15:59:
I have read all the negative comments that people have had to say about Chacara Lumber. I dont agree with any of the negativity. First of all you didnt know the reasons why we were not open. So I dont understand why making such comments would be needed. And as for the lack of Community Spirt thats totally wrong. My family has has this business here for over 50 years. And over those years there has been many loses taken to provide cutomers with service. When someone needed something they got it weather or not they could pay for it right away or not. I'm not gonna go on with the topic any further cause I have an idea that most of the people who wrote these comments are most likely to be non Bahamians. But the negative comments are really not called for. And if anyone wanted to know the reason for the store not opening should find out the real reasons before responding with negative comments about our business. And this is my opionion and not anyone elses or Chacara Lumber. I know my family has worked hard for this island for many years. And if nobody else will stick up for my family then I will. And if anyone has any questions or comments about my opinion you can find me at Chacara Lumber. Thank you.