Posted by Sen. Fred Mitchell Uncensored on December 03, 2001 at 12:51:18:
In Reply to: Ministry of Works Says North Eleuthera Airport Will NEVER Close posted by Kimberly on November 29, 2001 at 13:53:26:
We had a great joke at the expense of the Prime Minister after Hurricane Floyd in 1998. At that time the Glass Window Bridge that links North
Eleuthera to South Eleuthera was wiped out for the second time in a short period before that. The repairs were supposed to have held during
rough weather. They didn't and some lost their life as a result. At the time Hubert Ingraham went to inspect the bridge for himself. We joked
that here was Chief Engineer Ingraham inspecting the bridge as if he could design and fix it himself. Now we know that didn't work. Hurricane
Michelle came along and bingo the bridge was wiped out again. The bridge has now been closed, after a couple ended up in the water while
crossing it. They managed to escape with their lives. This is really ridiculous. One stupid bridge that is less than a mile long and this
Government can't get it right.