Posted by Glenroy Aranha on March 21, 2002 at 19:30:56:
Just to give some clarity to the crownland sarga
while a terriable group of men were plotting to destroy the trade towers and those inosent soules there in.
There was another plot being planned, this one was being done By Tony Shogren to his fellow Americans in a most UnAmerican way. it included Innocent Bahamains Shogren decided that he wanted our crownland the last of wich bordered Dunmore Beach Club and at any cost, no matter who got hurt in the process, no matter who got stepped on, no matter how unsavory it appaired in the eyes of us all,he had to get our crownland
Shogren goes to Nassau with a bunch of carrots in hand, makes a deal for our crownland comes back with deeds in hand.
To further his gready hepitite he threatens to build a two story block monument smack dab in the front of his nighbour's vacation cottage, completely blocking their view of the beach and the ocean.
How UNAmerican, his plan was to cause these wonderful people to panic, this by design in order that they rush to sell their property to him. I am sure most likly at a much lower asking Price then they would have normaly got, had he not mastered such a disgusting and most devious plot only to involve members of our most transparent Government and its higher ups.
My friends Tony Shogren comes to our Island pretending to be the most honest on high but sets the plan in motion to claim our crown land at whatever way it took to get it I think Brilanders need know what went down and the world need to know how Shogren treated his fellow countrymen in a foreign land namely Harbour Island Bahamas.
My friends, when the entire world was rallying to the aid of the many american victims of 9:11 2001, and the country it self uniting togather and holding each others hand in grief, here was Tony Shogren in the Bahamas, displaying his greed for his fellow American neibour's land, and the last piece of crownland belonging to brilanders
The remark made earler about race and those that want to know what it has to do with the above issue I can address those concerns at some other time and place.Thanking the board for allowing me space to to bring this matter to light,
and letting the board know how decent folks have been treated, and they not being deserving of it