Posted by Judith Savage on April 05, 2002 at 09:27:02:
I have sent the following letter to Harvey Roberts:
The Honorable Harvery Roberts, Chairperson
Harbour Island Town Council
Harbour Island, Bahamas
Dear Mr. Roberts:
Last evening I attended the public meeting that you held in the Parish Hall regarding the proposal to develop Girl's Bank, along with the application to first secure Crown Land from the central government in Nassau. I came away from the meeting with ideas, thoughts and emotions swirling in my thinking, yet overall feeling hopeful and even inspired.
I entered the meeting believing Harbour Island to be at risk and I know it remains so. Overall, two major issues were brought into the open:
1. The community is resoundingly opposed to the proposed project at Girl's Bank.
2. Frustration and heartfelt concern to the negative aspects of unchecked progress has reached a breaking point (i.e. access paths and roads blocked or lost, the proliferation of "private", no trespassing signs, blatant disregard for the permit process and Bahamian laws).
These two items clearly dominated the evening.
First, I commend you on the way you ran the meeting. You openly and respectfully addressed each person's comments and heartfelt fears. You controlled and guided the topics, keeping the agenda in tact - this is no easy task give the energy being express. And now, you as Council Chairperson are left to sort out and direct what happens next. You enumerated the next steps - letters to go out in response to central governmnet in Nassau and Mr. Roberts, testimony forwarded, and newspaper coverage of the discussion at the meeting.
My earnest request is that you in the time remaining in your tenure, create/appoint a Select Preservation Commission charged with a mandate to research any and all avenues within Bahamian laws to protect the beauty and ecology of this beautiful, dear island. The Commission should include the specific clear mandate, a time frame, a mechanism for reporting to the public and to central government, and access to legal council. Avenues should include many of the suggestions discussed last evening at the public meeting:
a. Creating endangered areas (shoreline, mangroves, fish spawning and feeding areas).
b. Designation of portions of Harbour Island as a "National Park".
c. Possibility of designation of land trusts on Harbour Island.
d. Defining and reopening "public access" paths and roads.
e. Creation of community parklands.
This, Mr. Roberts, can be your legacy, your mission - to protect Harbour Island for the future. The island is definitely at risk from progress. With the energy and dedication of the people present last evening only good things can come forth. The Council has a unique opportunity to see that this happens.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Savage