Posted by Brent Albury on May 01, 2002 at 09:45:25:
I have read the many posts on the boards about the killing of the 12ft shark by Valentines. Many of them have been annoymous attacks on the people who were involved in the capture and killing of the shark. I think the least u people could do is state your names when you do post your comments. But my in my opinion I think that that the shark was a danger to anyone who went in the waters near Valentines considering it has been drawn in the the same place for months due to the cleaning of fish around the area. the shark could have easily bitten or killed someone by mistake. Considering it is most likely looking for food when it was in the area. Although it was a shame that it had to be killed along with its babies but some sacrifices have to be made. And for the people who called this a brutal slaughter you should watch some documentaries on the japanese fisherman slaughtering thousands of sharks alive by cutting there fins off and throwing them back into the ocean just to make shark fin soup. So everyone should look at what happened with an open mind considering all the conditions surrounding it before attacking people with negative comments.
Thank you.