Posted by Brent Albury on May 01, 2002 at 10:16:56:
I have also noticed that everyone is talking so much about this shark being killed and yet not one thing mentioned about how many of our sport fish are beling caught and slaughtered by visitors every year. But nobody mentions that cause I guess thats ok as long as your not a Bahamian doing it. And I am sure the government will allow it to go on untill there are no sport fish left in this area. Yet that goes unrecognized and everyone gets emotional about a pregnant shark being killed. Its rediiculous. there are many sharks in this area and they are not being slaughterd. Everytime i go fishing on the ocean side I hook sharks that are released back. So I dont see where there is any real threat to the shark population around here but there is definatly a decline in the sport fish over the years which doesent seem to be of any concern to alot of people.