Posted by will on April 26, 2002 at 13:20:15:
In Reply to: The Threat of Shark Attacks in Perspective posted by Dr Andy S Leggett on April 25, 2002 at 19:12:23:
dear dr andy s leggett,
i have read your follow ups and posts on this story, and wish to thank you for your rational and educated response,i am in keen agreement with you and am actully an eco-enthusiast my self .The people and vistors of the bahamas however i fear have no comprehension of the incredible ecological value of our islands, here lies the problem people think sharks = baddies and do not understand that all creatures have a place and porpuse in the world.i understand that the death of this creature is infuriating , however in marios defence i simply beleive that he had no comprehension of the implications af his awarness must be further stressed in our islandswhen i grow up i would like to work in conservation and ecology and somehow raise public awarness in the bahamas about our eco paridise to stop this madness.Our reefs are dead or dying ancient trees and bush forests are being ripped up all over harbour island and being replaced with beverly hills style mansions in the north end and american stlye suburbanhouses in the south and in ten years the tourists will hate it coz itll be like every other hellish resort in the world like hawaii,benidorm,st.thomas,and miami beach,costa de sol,tenerife, nassau. and then we are f**kd,and what about when all the fish are gone AND we have no touristsand there is no farmland coz its all been developed its happened in other places and it could happen here we have gotta start to think!